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Lufthansa's Customer Service Response Times

Managing your travel arrangements efficiently may depend on your ability to comprehend how quickly any airline, including Lufthansa, responds to your requests. If you're seeking assistance with a booking issue, requesting a refund, or needing help with a flight change, knowing what to expect in terms of response time can alleviate some of the stress involved. Here's a detailed look at how long Lufthansa typically takes to respond and what you can do to expedite the process.

1. Acknowledgment of Issues

Lufthansa is committed to providing timely responses to your issues. When you submit a written issue, the airline acknowledges receipt within 30 days. This acknowledgment confirms that Lufthansa has received your query and is processing it. It is a formal step to let you know that your issue is being reviewed.

2. Substantive Response

After acknowledging your issues, Lufthansa Customer Service will send a detailed response within 60 days. This response will address the concerns raised in your query and provide information on any actions taken or resolutions offered. The 60-day period allows Lufthansa sufficient time to thoroughly investigate and respond to complex issues, ensuring that they provide a comprehensive and accurate resolution.

Response Times on Email

  • Email: Send your issues to the designated email address provided by Lufthansa Customer Service. Make sure to include all relevant details, such as your booking reference, flight information, and a clear description of your issue.

Note: The email process has been taking several days to respond to you.

Response Times on Phone Inquiries

  • Immediate Assistance: When you call Lufthansa Customer Service, you usually receive immediate assistance. Hours of operation and call volume can affect wait times. During peak times, such as holiday seasons or disruptions, wait times may be longer.
  • Resolution Time: While you may get instant help with initial queries, more complex issues might require follow-up and additional time to resolve. Lufthansa aims to address such concerns as swiftly as possible but be prepared for potential delays.

Response Times on Social Media Inquiries

  • Typically Faster: Contacting Lufthansa via social media platforms, such as Twitter or Facebook, can often yield quicker responses compared to email. The airline actively monitors social media channels and generally responds in their business days.
  • Public Visibility: Keep in mind that social media inquiries are publicly visible, so sensitive issues might be better addressed through direct messaging or email to ensure privacy.

4. Response Times on Live Chat

  • Real-Time Assistance: Lufthansa's live chat service provides real-time assistance, making it one of the quickest ways to get help. The response time is usually within minutes, depending on agent availability.
  • Availability: Check Lufthansa's website for the hours of operation for live chat support, as it may not be available 24/7.

Tips to Expedite Your Inquiry

Provide Complete Information: When contacting the Customer Service of Lufthansa, whether by email, phone, or live chat, provide all necessary details such as your booking reference, flight number, and a clear description of your issue. This helps agents resolve your request more efficiently.

Choose the Best Method: For urgent issues, calling Lufthansa Customer Service might be the quickest option. For less time-sensitive matters, email or social media can be effective, though response times will vary.

Check Status: If you haven't received a response within the expected timeframe, follow up with Lufthansa Customer Service to ensure your request is being processed. Providing a reference number from your initial contact can help speed up the follow-up process.

Monitor for Updates: Keep an eye on Lufthansa's official website and social media channels for any announcements that might affect response times, such as service disruptions or high call volumes.


Knowing the Lufthansa Customer Service response times helps set realistic expectations and ensures you can manage your inquiries effectively. Whether you reach out via email, phone, social media, or live chat, providing complete information and choosing the right contact method can significantly impact the speed and efficiency of the resolution. By staying informed and prepared, you can navigate any Customer Support issues with Lufthansa airlines that too more smoothly and could minimize any potential delays in getting the assistance you need.